As a freelancer, individual enterprise or in a company, you work every day to satisfy your customers.

I am your marketing consultant and help you create maximum customer satisfaction and loyalty.

Portrait photo of Ulrich Sperling, standing in a modern office building, friendly smile

My expertise — and why it's so valuable to you

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Strategy consulting

Marketing can be a tool to:

  • finding new customers
  • selling products and services
  • to inform potential customers about your offer
  • testing new services
  • or to accelerate the growth of your business.

It's a strategic business decision. In such cases, it is a clear advantage if your personal strategy consultant has learned the craft of building and developing a business from scratch at one of the best consulting firms.

Like me.


I translate your business strategy into a clear brand strategy, appropriate positioning and effective branding; everything from a single source.

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Scientific rigour

My scientific approach significantly improves marketing decision-making. This includes using data objectively, searching for patterns, and testing hypotheses.

At the Federal Institute of Technology (ETH) in Zurich, I learned how to proceed systematically and ask decisive questions.


You make decisions about growing your business based on facts and knowledge rather than speculation and guesswork.

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Writing texts is one of the most critical aspects of marketing. They decide whether a campaign is successful or not. You determine whether someone becomes a customer or not.

At USP Consulting, I am aware of this and ensure that every piece of text I create is appealing, easy to read, and effective.


Your marketing texts are read; their messages are received.

In English and German.

“Ulrich quickly understood what I had in mind and created unique designs that show the strengths of my company. His approach is personal, creative, and meticulous. Satisfied all round.”
Dr. M. Strasser
Your unique selling proposition - My initials
The concept of the Unique Selling Proposition (USP) was developed by the American advertising specialist Rosser Reeves. According to Reeves, a USP is a clear and concise statement that defines what distinguishes a product or service from the competition and what benefits it offers customers.

Reeves was convinced that a USP should be the center of all advertising and marketing measures and communicated in every advertisement. He also held that a USP should be based on a product's unique features and benefits, not on price, advertising, or other factors.

It just so happens that my initials are also USP. This constantly reminds me to focus my work on what makes you different from others and how I can make that clear to your customers.

—Dr. Ulrich Sperling
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